Laul Global


Asked Questions

Explore investment opportunities in education and technology – and the intersection of all three – and discover how you can collaborate with us to create lasting value.


What is Laul Global’s investment focus?


We invest in education and technology startups at pre-seed, angel investing, or early stage, but are also open to funding more mature businesses that are looking to scale or partner with us.


What are your specific areas of interest?


We believe in how AI, machine learning, Big Data, data analytics, and other novel technologies are changing our lives.Aside from educational institutions and training centres (face-to-face, online, hybrid models), we are interested in funding out-of-the-box ideas fueled by AI and other new technologies, such as edtech tools tapping into generative AI or learning courses that harness fresh tech capabilities.


We’re already a revenue-generating company. Will you still be interested?


We are open and willing to participate in later-stage deals where we can add value (beyond capital and onto growth and attaining scale).


How much do you typically invest?


We invest anywhere from $50,000 to $500,000 in early-stage startups but are flexible based on the compellingness and elements of the pitch.


How should we pitch?


We’re easygoing and understand you’re running your business at the same time you’re looking for funding sources. Email, decks, a phone call, demos – any of these will do. Get started by filling out our contact form.


Why should we work with you?


We have deep experience and a vast network – we’re an education and technology holding company operating in Canada and running a vast network of public-private partners in Asia, Africa, and 20 countries around the world.


Why should we work with you?


We have deep experience and a vast network – we’re an education and technology holding company operating in Canada and running a vast network of public-private partners in Asia, Africa, and 20 countries around the world.

We have a diverse education and technology portfolio, spanning everything from tech-driven platforms – an AI-powered edtech platform at the core – to global student recruitment and private institutions specializing in IT and skills development.

A culture of strategic partnering has buoyed us in the last decade, where we’re trusted by education institutions, government partners, agents, and service providers in global education.


It’s not a lot of money I’m after. Should I still reach out?


We love working with passionate, relentless founders and business owners. Connect with us if you’re looking at mentoring, network expansion, or collaboration in new and unexplored ways.


Our solutions already exist in the market. Does this work against our chances of getting funded?


Not really – we are eyeing companies of varying offerings in the education and technology domains. As long as it’s the seed of a Big Idea that’s helpful to the markets we operate in, we explore and consider it! And as we understand that execution is key, we closely evaluate the individuals and entities behind the venture.

Get Started, Get Funded

At Laul Global, we’re in it for the long haul. We’re on board with stand-out investment opportunities in education and the big wide world of technology. We’re keen to explore things with you!

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